Mobile Apps

You must have an account with both the App Store and Google Play before you can publish your first app.


You’ve spent weeks or months designing your app, and now it’s time to share it with the world. Whether you want to build an app for personal use or for profit, this article will show you how to make sure your app is ready for prime time.

Create an account with the App Store and Google Play.

You can create an account with the App Store and Google Play by following these steps:

  • Go to the App Store or Google Play website.
  • Click Sign In (or Log in).
  • Enter your email address, password and security questions when prompted. If you don’t have an Apple ID yet, you can create one from this screen by clicking Create Apple ID now.

Prepare your app for review.

  • Remove any sensitive information.
  • Remove any offensive content.
  • Remove any copyrighted material
  • Remove any content that is not yours (or may be trademarked)
  • Do not include advertisements or similar in your app, even if it comes from Google or Apple themselves

Test your app on a device.

Test your app on a device.

When you’re testing, it’s best to do it on an actual device rather than the simulator. It may be tempting to just test on one or two devices and move forward, but there are so many possible combinations of Android and iOS versions, languages, and countries that could mess up your app that you want to be sure everything works for everyone.

Ideally, you’ll have access to several different types of devices:

  • iPhones with different screen sizes (4S through X)
  • iPads with different screen sizes (mini through Pro)
  • Android phones with different screen sizes (2G through 5G+)

The more variety in hardware specs among your testing devices, the better!

Submit your app for review.

Once you’ve finished developing and testing your app, you can submit it for review. The submission process is a bit different for iOS apps than it is for Android apps.

For iOS applications:

  • Sign in to iTunes Connect using the Apple ID that was used when creating your development certificate ($99/year).
  • Select My Apps from the left-hand menu, then choose New App (or Add New App on older versions of iTunes Connect). If this is not visible by default, select Manage Your Applications instead, then select Create New App from the upper right corner of your screen (this will also show you any existing apps that have been submitted).
  • Enter basic information about your application into fields provided on this page: name, version number (e.g., 1), SKU number or bundle ID (unique identifier); availability status (for example “Available” or “Not yet released”); contact email address; description (optional) metadata

Make sure you are ready to launch.

Launch day is the culmination of a lot of hard work. Your app is ready to go, and you’re excited to share it with the world. But before you do, make sure you have everything in place:

  • A marketing plan – Do you know how people will find out about your app? Have social media accounts set up, an email list that can be used for announcements, and a website dedicated to talking about your product (and maybe even hosting some of its content).
  • A support plan – If people have questions or problems with your app on launch day, are they going to get answers? Are there ways for them to contact you directly?
  • Considered dealing with negative reviews – If someone writes a negative review on the store where they downloaded your app from, is there anything you can do about it?

You must have an account with both the App Store and Google Play before you can publish your first app.

You must have an account with both the App Store and Google Play before you can publish your first app.

  • You need to register with both the App Store and Google Play.
  • To register, you will need to provide your bank account details, credit card details, contact details and developer name.

the reason to publish your apps

  • [Why you should publish your apps]
  • [The importance of publishing your apps]
  • [The benefits of publishing your apps]
  • [Publishing your app on android and ios store]


The next step is to publish your app on the App Store and Google Play. You can start by creating an account with both stores, then prepare your app for review by testing it on a device and submitting it for review. After you’ve submitted it, make sure that you are ready to launch! The last step is the most important one – if there’s anything wrong with your app (such as bugs or crashes), wait until they are fixed before launching it on Apple’s App Store or Android’s Google Play store

digital marketing Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are a great way to reach a lot of people in a variety of ways so they can benefit from what you have to offer.


Creating a mobile app is a great way to reach people and help them do things that they couldn’t do before. Mobile apps allow people to access information on the go, which can be really helpful if they’re trying to learn something new or solve a problem. It doesn’t take much time or money to create an app, but you do need to know what you’re doing! Here are some tips for creating your first mobile app:

Mobile apps are a great way to reach a lot of people in a variety of ways so they can benefit from what you have to offer.

Mobile apps are a great way to reach a lot of people in a variety of ways so they can benefit from what you have to offer. Mobile apps can be used for a variety of purposes, so you’re sure to find something that works for you. You might want an app that will help your customers save money or an app that helps them learn about your business. Whatever the reason may be, there’s no doubt that having one will help you reach more people than ever before and make it easier for them to interact with your company or brand.

There are many steps to creating an app, but it can be done!

[1] Make sure you have a good idea.

[2] Develop a prototype.

[3] Get feedback on your prototype.

[4] Test the app, and make changes based on that testing.

[5] Build the final version of your app with all of your changes incorporated into it.

[6] Publish the app!

Make sure your app is ready to launch, but don’t wait too long to launch.

Once you’ve done all the work to get your app ready for launch, don’t wait too long to launch. If you’re like most people and have a day job, then it’s likely that there will be days when you have absolutely nothing left to give in the evenings. But that doesn’t mean that you should put off launching for another week or two until you have more time on your hands.

Don’t rush it!

The reason is simple: if you’re launching an app, then chances are there’s something specific about your idea or solution that makes it unique—and therefore valuable—to customers and users who are actively looking for apps like yours in their respective markets. If they discover those features within 30 days of launch (for example), they’ll be able to experience them with fresh eyes and make informed decisions about whether they want the app enough to download it right away or wait until later when their schedule allows them more time with their phone/tablet/etcetera; however, if no one hears about these features until after 90 days have passed since first being announced publicly then other competitors may beat them into market adoption by virtue of having been quicker off the mark than yours was.”

Design the interface and user experience.

When you’re designing your app, it’s important to keep in mind that each platform has its own unique interface and user experience. You’ll have to think about:

  • The device (phones vs tablets vs wearables)
  • The context of use (on the go or at home?)
  • The environment (indoors or outdoors?)

Make sure your app is really useful.

When you’re creating the first version of your app, it can be tempting to make sure that it does a lot—there are so many things to consider! But before you start adding all the bells and whistles, make sure it’s as useful as possible.

Think about how people are going to use your app: will they want to find? share? pay for? purchase? or any combination of these things (and more)? If someone has an idea for an app but they don’t know how they’ll use it once they get their hands on it, there’s no point in creating it. It may seem like an obvious statement but even though we’re talking about apps here this rule applies just as much outside of mobile development.

Once you have a clear vision for how people will use your product, start thinking about how easy this process should be from start to finish; from downloading and opening up the app all the way through completing their task within its interface.

Use content to bring people back for more.

The next step after creating your first mobile app is to use content to bring back users. It’s all well and good that you have an app out there, but if you don’t give people something interesting to do with it, they won’t come back.

The best way for your app to keep attracting users is by providing them with valuable information in the form of content. This could be anything from a blog post about the latest developments in mobile analytics or a listicle on how not to get scammed by shady apps that claim they’ll help make money for free!

Now let’s look at how you can use content to increase user engagement:

  • Make sure that what you create relates directly back towards the purpose of your app (and isn’t just random fluff) – this will keep people coming back again and again so long as it keeps providing value
  • Make sure that any shareable elements are easily accessible without having too much effort put into finding them – this will ensure people share things quickly rather than leaving them buried deep within an application which makes sharing harder than necessary
  • Ensure all elements are engaging even when someone doesn’t have access yet (e.g., advertisements), then once installed try not only making best use possible but also ensure graphics/animations etc.. aren’t too overbearing either – this will allow users who choose not pay attention during initial attempts still feel engaged enough later down line if needed!

Design for simplicity and ease of use.

While mobile apps are used for a variety of tasks, you should design your app for simplicity and ease of use.

Think about the user first: what does he or she want to achieve? Then, consider how you can make that happen easily. Users don’t want to spend time figuring out how your product works—they want it to be intuitive, with clear language and graphics that help them get on their way as fast as possible.

All too often, we see overly complex mobile apps with unnecessary features that only serve to confuse users. Keep it simple!

Focus on the platform where you have the best chance of success.

When it comes to developing your first mobile app, you should focus on the platform where you have the best chance of success. The most popular platforms are Android and iOS because they have over 1 billion users each. If you want to target a specific demographic, such as men or women, then consider which platform is used by more members of that demographic.

If you’re looking at creating an app that will appeal to a wide audience (e.g., everyone), then think about the size of those audiences: if your potential market is too small and unable to sustain itself financially, it may be better off pursuing another path instead of investing time and money into an app that won’t generate any revenue or profit.

The type of app also matters when considering its success on different platforms—for instance, if someone wants to make an image-based social media application where users can post pictures together but don’t want much interaction from others in order for them not crowd up their feed with posts from strangers (or even friends), then Facebook isn’t necessarily going work well here whereas Instagram would probably be better suited given how focused this specific type Twitter seems like it could be


We hope this article has given you a good sense of what it takes to create your own app. It’s not as hard as you might think, but it does require a lot of work and dedication. If you have a great idea for an app, now is the time to take action!

Mobile Apps

Elightx Offers Affordable Mobile Apps Development Solutions

Elightx Offers Affordable Mobile Apps Development Solutions

We are passionate about our clients who have their own business and we like to treat them as our partners. We understand the importance of client’s satisfaction. Due to these reasons, we encourage our client’s to constantly monitor the work being done, so they’re always updated on time and money spent and we make sure that we are available to answer any questions or offer new suggestions so that they can feel confident in their overall decision.

Elightx team is creative developer of mobile apps. If you want to make your business global, then it is must strategy for you to develop your own app. Apps are revolutionizing the way that people interact with their smartphones, and even though many businesses are just now getting involved with app development (or becoming as a result of new popularity) the real value in mobile apps comes from constant innovation and development.

Mobile Apps

Build your own mobile app with ELIGHTX company

The process of creating a mobile app is often complicated and time-consuming. However, it doesn’t have to be. Our team of developers, designers, and programmers can help you build your own custom mobile application with just a few clicks.

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We offer top-quality web design and development services at affordable rates so that you can start your business today!

Our team consists of experienced designers and developers who are ready to help you build an online presence for your business. We create beautiful websites with fast-loading speed on any device including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

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