SMM marketing social media

The best way to implement a successful social media marketing strategy is to establish clear goals and understand who you’re talking to.


It’s no secret that social media has quickly become one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses today. Social media platforms allow companies to reach customers in new ways and engage them on a personal level. This article will help you understand what social media marketing is, how it differs from traditional marketing, and how you can plan your own successful social media campaign!

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. It’s an effective way to reach potential customers, build your audience, and drive sales.

Social media marketing has become increasingly important for businesses that want to be successful in today’s digital world. Social networks allow you to connect with people from all over the world, so it’s not just about promoting your business locally anymore—you can do that on Facebook! The more followers (or friends) you have on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., the more exposure your content gets which equals more brand awareness and leads for your business.

Set goals

  • Define your goals.
  • Make sure they’re realistic and measurable.
  • Make sure they’re attainable within the time frame you’ve allotted yourself.

Who are you talking to?

Social media is about talking with people, so before you start talking, it’s important to know who you are talking to. Your audience is the group of people most likely to be interested in what you have to say.

Your target market is the group of people most likely to be interested in your product or service. This may overlap with your audience somewhat (if everyone on earth has an interest in buying something from someone), but generally speaking, there will be some groups who are more likely than others.

This could be a certain age range (18-25), income level (middle class), gender (women), geographic location (New York) or any other number of factors that help define how they spend their time online and what they’re looking for when they go online.

What are you going to say?

Your social media content should be consistent. If you’re posting to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook every hour on the hour, that’s going to be too much information for people—and they might not take you seriously when they do check your account. You want to make sure that whatever works best for your audience is what’s being posted.

You also need to give some thought as to what kind of voice and tone belongs in your social media strategy. This will depend largely on who your target audience is and why they would follow or like/follow you in the first place (if they did). But it can also come down to individual preference: Do you want a more casual approach? Or perhaps something more formal?

Keep in mind that if there are multiple people working at a company — whether it’s one big corporation with many locations or several smaller ones under one umbrella organization — then there might be different ways of speaking depending upon who’s reading the posts.”

Plan your attack

Now, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. As you probably know, getting started with social media marketing can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive guide filled with the best information on how to succeed in this field.

In this section, we’ll discuss how to create a social media marketing strategy and plan your attack. You’ll learn what elements are needed in a successful plan and how they relate to one another.

Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Defining goals and objectives
  • Identifying target audiences
  • Creating content calendars

How do you want to measure success?

After you’ve decided on your goals and set up a plan of attack, it’s time to measure your results. As with everything else in the world of social media marketing, there isn’t a one-size-fits all solution here—you’ll need to define what success means for you and make sure that the metrics you choose will allow you to reach those goals.

Social media analytics sites like [Social Report](https://www.socialreport.com/) can help provide data on how your social media accounts are performing. This includes things like post frequency, audience engagement (how much interaction is taking place between accounts), follower growth and more. All of this information can help show whether or not your efforts are working towards your goals—and whether or not adjustments need to be made along the way.

One thing that many marketers struggle with when defining their success metrics is ROI (or Return On Investment). This refers specifically to how much money has been spent on marketing materials versus how much revenue was generated from those materials as a result; if an ad campaign cost $10 but only generated $5 worth of sales afterward, then its ROI would be negative ($5/$10 = -50%).

The best way to implement a successful social media marketing strategy is to establish clear goals and understand who you’re talking to.

To get the most out of your social media marketing efforts, you need to be clear about what it is you’re trying to achieve. You also need to know who you’re talking to. For example:

Talking points:

  • identify your target audience
  • know what you want to say
  • plan your attack
  • how to measure success


Social media marketing can seem daunting at first, but it’s really not that complicated. All you need to do is identify your goals and who you want to reach with your campaign. Once these two things are clear, you can create a plan that fits within those parameters and move forward on making it happen!

Web development

How to solve website slow problems Your website should load in less than three seconds


Your website is slow. You know it, and your visitors know it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or large corporation. Whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or an enterprise-scale organization—your website needs to load quickly on mobile devices and desktops alike. The faster your site loads, the better user experience you’ll provide your visitors and the more likely they are to come back for more.

In this article we’ll cover some strategies for speeding up your site’s performance so that it loads quickly regardless of device or connection speed.

Use a lightweight theme or framework.

  • Use a lightweight theme or framework.

If you’re running an older version of WordPress, it’s possible that your site is being slowed down by heavy themes and frameworks. Heavy themes and frameworks can bog down sites because they include scripts (also known as PHP) that are constantly running in the background and using resources on your server. They also have large database tables that contain information about each component of the theme or framework, which means more time is needed for your database to process requests for data from these tables when loading pages on your site.

To avoid this problem, look for a lightweight theme or framework when shopping around in the WordPress repository, such as:

Optimize images.

Don’t forget that images are also part of your website’s content. To make sure you’re optimizing them properly, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Use the right image format. JPEGs are smaller than PNGs, which in turn are smaller than GIFs. But don’t just use the smallest format available; keep in mind that JPEG compression makes it harder for people to see what’s on an image, while PNG files can have lossy (meaning they lose quality) or lossless compression.
  • Choose a file size appropriate for your site and audience. This will depend on whether or not you’re selling products/services online, but generally speaking larger sites need larger images—if they don’t load quickly enough on mobile devices then users will abandon them immediately!
  • Optimize images with appropriate compression and resolution levels based on their purpose and context within your layout design scheme

Optimize and minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

Optimize and minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

In order to optimize your web pages for speed, it is recommended that you minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML using a tool such as Google’s Web Page Test or YSlow. Minification is the process of removing all unnecessary data from files such as comments and whitespace so that they are smaller in size. When you combine multiple files into one bundle with tools like Gulp or Webpack (JavaScript), you should also minify them to decrease file sizes further.

Remove unnecessary plugins.

The next thing you can do is to remove unnecessary plugins. If you’re running a WordPress site and are trying to reduce the load time of your website, then it’s a good idea to use only necessary plugins. If you aren’t sure if you need the plugin or not, ask your developer first before installing it. The reason for this is because most of these plugins come with additional code which makes them heavy on load time and bandwidth usage as well as increase security risks such as cross-site scripting attacks or brute force attacks because they have access to sensitive information such as user session tokens

Minimize redirects.

Redirects are a bad thing. You can use them, but don’t overuse them or use too many redirects on your website. Redirects can slow down your website and confuse search engines, visitors and even Google’s crawler which gets confused by them.

Redirects can also be used to hide spammy links, so that when someone clicks on one of those links they are taken somewhere else instead of being sent to a page full of ads for Viagra or Cialis (and other prescription medication).

Remove render-blocking JavaScript

Remove render-blocking JavaScript from the above the fold content

One of the most common causes of websites being slow is render-blocking JavaScript, which stops your page from rendering until it has downloaded and executed. The simplest way to fix this problem is to move all nonessential JavaScript files into a separate file that you load asynchronously via . In addition to moving nonessential JavaScript into a separate file, you should also make sure that you’re not loading scripts in an inefficient order (including them in or <!– script tags).

Using asynchronous CSS & image loading techniques

Another common cause of slowness is images taking too long to load because they’re being loaded synchronously along with everything else; this can be solved by using asynchronous CSS and image loading techniques, such as using CSS sprites where possible and setting image sizes correctly so they don’t need huge amounts of data transferred at once when loaded for the first time (e.g., set images’ initial widths equal to their natural widths).

Your website should load in less than three seconds

If you’re noticing that your website is loading slowly, there are several things you can do to improve the speed of your site. These include:

  • Use a lightweight theme or framework.
  • Optimize images.
  • Optimize and minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  • Remove unnecessary plugins (like comment forms).

If these tips don’t help improve the performance of your website, consider other factors such as server location and hosting provider. If you need assistance in finding a new hosting provider or making any other changes to improve the performance of your WordPress site I recommend reaching out to WP Engine or Elightx who offer 24/7 support via live chat or phone call so they won’t miss anything important!


The bottom line is this: If your website is slow, you can fix it. It may take some time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Your viewers will thank you for the faster loading times and will be more likely to return again and again.
